I read all the studies on the economic impact of bike lanes. Here's what I learned.
Sharrows used to make sense in theory, but are now useless and possibly dangerous in practice
Transplanting CROW's Guiding Principles onto Kiwi Streets
Separated Bike Lanes Means Safer Streets, Study Says
Study: Driver Behavior Shows Greater Need for Protected Bike Lanes
via @schmangee https://usa.streetsblog.org/2019/04/15/study-painted-bike-lanes-endanger-cyclists-more/
How well do Advance Stop Boxes work?
via AxleRyde on @CycleAwareWgtn https://cycwell.wordpress.com/2017/09/25/how-well-do-advance-stop-boxes-work/
The Shared Path: people not cars at the heart of communities
via @hollyrwalker of @HelenClarkFound https://www.wsp.com/en-NZ/news/2020/people-not-cars-at-heart-of-communities